Time to Review

Time to Review

Let us help you focus on the basics

We dream of having a clean house - but who dreams of actually doing the cleaning?" — Marcus Buckingham.

Be it a Spring Clean or just a good time for a review of your systems & Health and Safety Planning

Some suggested points to review

  • Is all training up to date?
  • Have all statutory tests been completed (and results recorded)?
  • Are all risk assessments appropriate?
  • Have all substances been identified and assessed (CoSHH)
  • Check First Aid provision
  • Adequate trained people
  • First aid supplies
  • Accident book or reporting procedure

Remember we are here to help so feel free to give us a call to see if we can assist or just to put your mind at ease.

If you would like a site visit* Safety Person will complete a review of your work place processes, systems and procedures to ensure a safe place of work.

We will;


  •  give you honest feed back with a documented outline report.
  • advise you if you need to do any more
  • OR
  • just give some reassurance.


* First visit is free based on reasonable travel - Call to arrange.

Book your Visit
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